Breastfeeding is an excellent choice for mother and child bonding and your baby’s health. However, breastfeeding can have its fair share of challenges, which is why it’s essential to care for yourself during this time. Hudson Valley Breastfeeding shares the following tips to make this time less stressful.
Make Nursing Itself Easier
Breastfeeding can be a wonderful bonding experience for mother and child, but it is not without its challenges. One of the biggest difficulties can be managing breastfeeding when you work from home.
Obviously, a feeding schedule is ideal, but babies often have their own idea of how this looks. If you can, see about implementing something your infant can stick to.
Also, be prepared with all the necessities. This includes comfortable nursing bras that offer plenty of support and quick access for babies, as well as nursing pads, nipple cream and a nursing pillow. If you didn’t buy a hands-free breast pump prior to the baby’s arrival, it’s time to order one of these handy gadgets. They are lifesavers when it comes to having the opportunity to do other things while you’re pumping.
If you purchased a pump that isn’t hands-free, treat yourself to a hands-free pumping bra. You’ll enjoy the same convenience, and there are a variety of styles to choose from that are available through most popular online retailers. You’ll want to pair this bra with a few supportive nursing bras. There are beautiful styles now that are also functional, making it easy to nurse or pump whenever you need.
Prepare Your Diaper Bag
In addition to items like nursing pads, nursing covers, and burp cloths, there are some things you can include in your diaper bag for your own well-being. Pack an extra T-shirt in case there’s a spill or accident. Keep an extra phone charger, pony tail ties, lip balm and sunscreen. Usually, you require about 500 extra calories per day when breastfeeding, so throw in some healthy snacks too to ensure you’re not running on empty when you’re out and about.
Up Your Nutrition
Talk to your doctor about your specific calorie needs per day, and you can input that data into a tracker like My Fitness Pal to ensure you are eating the proper amount. If the thought of cooking is stressful, there are lots of meal delivery programs geared toward new mothers that make it easy to throw meals together. Try to limit caffeine and processed foods as much as you can, and do your best to drink plenty of water.
Enhance Your Space
You may have set up a perfect nursery for keeping up with the new addition to your family, but keeping the whole house clean and organized will lower your stress levels, explains Health Shots. Try coming up with a system that other members of the household can implement so you’re not carrying the load.
Having clear responsibilities will keep all of the stress from falling on your shoulders while you’re trying to care for your new baby. Try this cleaning schedule to get started, or consider hiring help for a couple of months while adjusting to your new lifestyle. It’s better to address issues now than to let them pile up and be more difficult to handle later.
Integrate Routines
Setting up routines will help your stress levels and help your other children feel consistent and safe. Consider setting up a nighttime routine where you do a calming bath and read together. Be sure to use natural shampoos and lotions to keep your child’s skin soft and healthy. Or have them help you with daily chores so you can complete them while having fun together.
You can also plan a weekly or monthly excursion together, which will help build new memories and let your children know you are thinking about them while your newborn requires extra attention. And try to integrate a daily walk together. If you live in a high walk score area, you’ll be able to stroll through a nice neighborhood, park, or local shopping area together. The baby will likely sleep and you can spend some quality time with older siblings.
If you have more than one child, it’s important to have some alone time with them in addition to family time. Even playing a quick game, reading a story, or taking a little time to talk to one another will go a long way in your children’s eyes. One way to make time for this is by staggering nap time, so one child is awake for a little bit while others sleep.
Ask for Help
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have to do it all alone, but it’s a bad idea. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need a little assistance. In fact, asking for help can be a sign of strength, explains Sober Link. in fact, it shows that you are willing to admit when you need support. When you are feeling stressed or exhausted, don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends or family. Whether it’s watching the baby for an hour so you can take a nap or simply lending a listening ear, they will be happy to help.
If your baby is having a hard time latching or if they are not gaining weight regularly, consider working with a lactation consultant. These professionals will coach you through various aspects of the breastfeeding process to ensure that it is a positive experience for you and your baby. Hudson Valley Breastfeeding offers resources and consultations to help both you and your baby get into a healthy feeding routine.
If you own your own business, you might want to assign a registered agent so that you don’t have to manage the business and the legal aspects during your pregnancy and your child’s infancy. A registered agent receives and handles notifications from government agencies, including tax documents. Assigning one does not mean giving up control of your business. It means getting help with some of the legal aspects so you can focus on your family.
Find Your Balance
The tips above will help you lower your stress and efficiently juggle breastfeeding and family time. Although breastfeeding can be challenging, it is incredibly rewarding and great for you and your newborn. Find great tools, like a hands free breast pump to help you free up some time, and let your older kids help you with chores so they don’t feel left out. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to handle everything perfectly while you adjust. This is a new chapter, and you’re doing your best!